
Hello World

  • Posted by :Wes Williams
  • Date :01 May, 2021
  • Category : Company News

We apply high-level automation.

X is up to you.

The X is whatever you do that sets you apart. WAHLAX focuses on eliminating what distracts you from focusing on what matters - your X. We create software that gets things done and stays out of the way. You don’t need another app to use or password to remember. We build integrations with the tools you already use and platforms you already own.

What’s Next

The coming weeks begin a tour of the landscape that WAHLAX specializes. Comparisons of intelligent assistants and chat platforms will come first. Then, we’ll release sample apps to demonstrate what’s possible. The services on this website will be built out shortly after. Follow WAHLAX on social media for updates!

Thank you for reading!
More articles coming soon.